
Course information

Duration of the course 2024

Saturday, 10th August 2024, 6pm (Dinner); arrival of participants in the course of the afternoon
to Sunday, 25th August 2024; departure after breakfast


Course A: Undergraduate and graduate pianists (piano duos and chamber music ensembles as well); a recording of at least two works must be sent with the application.

Course B: Piano teachers, young students of an advanced level and amateurs; a recording or a recommendation by their tutor is appreciated.

Listeners: Non-active participants
The course leaders will decide over active participation by the 25th july. The choice of repertoire for the course is free. Serious preparation and practice of the works is expected.

Course languages

German and English (translated languages on request)


Saturday, 10th August 2024, 8pm: opening concert

Saturday, 17th August 2024, 8pm: guest concert

Saturday, 24th August 2024, 5pm: closing concert of active course participants

Ample instruments (grand pianos) are provided during the course. They are provided by the piano shop "pianofactum" in Kaufbeuren.

Costs (in €)*


Course A

Course B


room cat. I




room cat. II




Reduced stay: Active participants minimum stay 5 nights (costs on request); listeners (minimum stay 3 nights) pay a one-off base-fee of € 89 plus € 90.- (cat. II) or € 111.- (cat. I) per night. Prices include rooms and meals (vegetarian). Participants wishing to share a double room are requested to send a joint application (discount on request). In exceptional cases, partial scholarships can be granted on request.

*subject to change


Please use the application form or the online-registration. The closing date is the 20th July for active participants and 30th July for non-active participants. Course fees are to be paid at the time of application. Please pay the amount into accont 586365.01K ("Sommerkurse Weidenkam, CH-8408 Winterthur") at bank UBS, CH-8400 Winterthur (bankcode 257, IBAN CH64 0025 7257 5863 6501 K, SWIFT-Code UBSWCHZH80A). A non-refundable deposit of € 50.- is included in the fee. Cancellation costs after the closing date: up to 24th july 50%, from 25th july 100% of the course fee.